Managing expectations before any medical weight loss program is one of the most important responsibilities we have to our patients. Expectations of what to expect can vary from patient to patient and what is published in research.. Excess weight loss results that are reported are ultimately just a sample average and not a guarantee. Proper expectations are important because so much of the success of the program relies on the patient’s willingness and ability to change their lifestyle now and into the future. This includes a complete diet and exercise plan that has to be maintained indefinitely.
Expectations are not limited to weight loss numbers. How long will it take to lose the weight? Will the post-program diet and exercise routine be hard? How will the patient feel psychologically as they lose weight? Will the co-morbid conditions be controlled or improve? All of these factors need to be discussed so that patients set realistic expectations before embarking in a bariatric program.
Roughly, 60 % of the excess weight will be lost rapidly, often in the first 6 months. Weight loss can continue for up to 1 ½ years post procedure. Obviously, muscle tone and recovery can be accelerated with concomitant exercise on a regular basis. Medications will need to be adjusted very rapidly after the operation, sometimes prior to substantial weight loss. We recommend that you return to your PCP for medication adjustments within 2-4 weeks and on a regular basis that first year. Expect hair loss during the first three months due to protein deficiency. Generally there is full recovery from any lost hair within 6 months post procedure. Expect to follow up with our office every three months in the first year to follow progress and laboratory data.
No one can predict exactly how much weight can be lost, what co-morbid corrections will improve, what medications will change, and how your body will accept weight loss and dietary change. My goal for the patient is to achieve the weight loss necessary to improve one’s health, improve activity, and/or improve co-morbidities. We will be here to help you through the steps of weight loss and recovery.