Am I a Candidate for Surgical Weight Loss?Mar 14, 2025Struggling to lose weight despite making enormous efforts with diet and exercise? You might qualify for weight loss surgery. With new guidelines expanding eligibility, now is the time to see if you’re a candidate.Continue reading →
Bariatric Surgeon vs the General SurgeonOct 27, 2022All bariatric surgeons have first participated in a General Surgery program and have become certified prior to performing bariatric surgery. Hospitals add additional recommendations that surgeons have to follow prior to obtaining privilegesContinue reading →
The Three C's of Weight RegainSep 20, 2022Weight loss after bariatric surgery is dramatic and if following the rules set by your program, efficient. Expect to regain about 10 - 15 % of your weight loss achieved to become your set weight. There are a few pitfalls that cause dramatic weight regain.Continue reading →
Pills, Meds, Capsules and Chewables?Apr 19, 2022Medications in general can be quite confusing for the post-bariatric patient. You can be given confusing information regarding how to take medications such as: cut your pills in half, no capsules, nothing bigger than an M & M or only chewable.Continue reading →
Experience? Mar 28, 2022When I joined a practice in 1993 and began a surgical career, many patients referred to me as “Doogie Howser”, to those of you who are old enough to remember.Continue reading →
When Should I Consider Weight Loss Surgery? Mar 28, 2022Yesterday I had a patient arrive to the office with a BMI >50, a 10-year history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and central obesity. She indicated that she had contemplated bariatric surgery for years,...Continue reading →
Which Operation Is Right for Me? Mar 28, 2022Many patients watch the commercials, speak to their friends and believe that a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy is the operation of choice. Being one of the first surgeons in the country to perform a sleeve gastrectomy,...Continue reading →