
The Three C's of Weight Regain

Sep 20, 2022
Weight loss after bariatric surgery is dramatic and if following the rules set by your program, efficient. Expect to regain about 10 - 15 % of your weight loss achieved to become your set weight. There are a few pitfalls that cause dramatic weight regain.

A C in school results in a passing but average grade. C's are never grades you try to achieve.  There are C's in weight loss surgery that are not desirable.  As in school, they can cause an average final result.   These  three C's can cause dramatic weight regain in any bariatric patient. 

1) Carbonated drinks.  The pitfall of America.  In a bariatric patient, carbonated drinks are taboo.   I believe they are the biggest contributer to weight regain in all of bariatrics, whether soda, alcohol, or other.  Not only do carbonated drinks enter the intestine rapidly, they cause gas distension, bloating and the passing of more flatus.  Carbonated drinks bind to iron and cause more iron deficiency in an already depleted patient.  The sugar in alcoholic drinks and in non-diet drinks is self-explanatory.  Diet drinks have sugar substitutes that drive one centrally to consume more sugar filled products. Stay away from carbonation. 

2) Color White. One of the original principles of weight control in all patients is the elimination of carbohydrates.  It is ideal to stay with a consumption of less than 60 carbohydrates on a daily basis.  As life goes on, it is difficult carrying around a notebook, resorting to phone consultation, and taking the time to read labels.   A solid principle to eliminate carbohydrates is to stay away from white foods.  This includes all foods made with flour or sugar, rice, breads, potatoes, etc.  If it is the color white, it is a good bet that it is filled with carbs.  Cauliflour and white turnips are the few exceptions.  

3) Crunchable items.  One of the first things I tell patients is to perform a pantry purge.  Get rid of all those crunchable items such as chips, pretzels, cookies, and crackers.  All of these products can lead to mindless eating habits while watching TV or late at night in front of the computer.  Crunchable items readily pass through the restricted portion of the bariatric surgery and lead to larger consumption, more calories, and weight regain. 

We all want to get a final grade of an A or a B.  Stay away from the C's.