One of the strongest desires of any surgical patient is to get back to one’s normal life after their surgery is complete. Most patients are excited about the start of their journey and want to return to their typical daily routine. While we want to provide the smoothest possible transition into regular life, there’s no getting around safety. We encourage you to take the time necessary to recover fully. Throughout your recovery, you will be quoted a “back to work”” time frame. This is simply an estimate that depends on many factors in your recovery. Most individuals can return to a normal functional schedule within two weeks.
Most individuals are able to return to work within a two – four week time frame. This is often dependent on your activity at work. Post-operatively, you will be taking in very few calories and patients are often tired or lack energy. Returning to a daily routine helps overcome the sense of recovery. There is not only physical recovery but an individual goes through a mental recovery post-operatively. Those who have strenuous jobs that require heavy lifting may have to wait up to 6 weeks before they are fully recovered to the point that they can return to work.
Depending on your lifestyle and activity level before surgery, the time it takes to return to a daily routine can vary. We will certainly encourage you to walk as much as possible without overexerting yourself or causing any significant pain. You may only be able to walk for a few minutes at a time when you first get home, but you will find yourself able to increase these intervals over the course of a few days. Within a couple weeks, we want you to be exercising at least thirty minutes a day. Exercise burns energy which helps in the weight loss process and increases stamina. The more activity one performs, the increase in muscle mass, the greater burn of calories, change in metabolism, and resulting weight loss.